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Working from home security threats and solutions


Many organizations are more open nowadays regards entitling their employees to work from home. That was one of the reasons they sought more security precautions to make sure only authorized persons can get access to certain resources.
Sometimes work from home isn't a luxury as per now. Governments, big and small entities are asking their employees to work from home to minimize the novel coronavirus from its continuous spreading.
Softlock provided organizations with a wide variety of solutions to secure remote access, minimize cyber risks for remote workers with its PKI tokens and Fido u2f security keys and OTP (One Time password). It provided strong 2FA and MFA access to business applications across employees and personal devices. Softlock tokens offer the highest security levels and the best user experience, helping organizations drive high productivity while protecting remote workers against phishing attacks and account takeovers. 
For More information about Softlock solutions, check the below links

Softlock Biometric PKI Token
OTP (One Time password)
Secure Web Access
Secure Network Access
Secure Computer Access